European redemption
Is Europe redeemable?
This is not an easy question, neither to ask nor to answer. For the crimes of Europe extend beyond what can be listed or discussed here. Slavery, economic exploitation, cultural erasure, religious persecution, resource plunder, these are but some of the worst crimes of Europe and its explorers. Let’s suppose Europe is redeemable for these acts; let’s suppose they have progressed passed their savagery and evolved into more sophisticated creatures that wish equality for the brown and black and yellow people of the world; let’s suppose they pursue noble causes such as education, healthcare, scientific development and the enlightenment of man. Let’s suppose they pursue the ideals they have claimed to pursue for the last four centuries. Is Europe redeemable? I argue it is not. For despite giving up their occupation they have yet to return their large swathes of land to the South Africans, for despite giving up their empire they still hold the treasures of South Asia, for despite outlawing slavery they still build cities in the middle east, yet this time the slaves are brown and from South Asia rather than black from Africa.
Europe continues to be guided by the bourgeoisie, it continues its vast empire and it enforces hegemony through its military might. It may no longer be massacring with bullets and machetes but it continues to massacre, through poverty, through war crimes, through imperialism. It continues to profit. When Cesaire speaks of the Bantu, it is almost as if he is speaking about the colonised: “In short, you tip your hat to the Bantu life force, you give a wink to the immortal Bantu soul. And that's all it costs you! You have to admit you're getting off cheap!”. Europe got off cheap; to wipe colonialism out of the history books all they had to acknowledge was the colored persons right to self-determination, codify it in their own image, and they were freed of all else that they owed.