Black Radical Tradition
As we come to a close (as far as this course is concerned), there is need to reflect back on all that was learned. For me, having read a plethora of scholars and figures who kept alive the spirit of the black radical tradition, was not only eye opening but also inspirational in every way. The one thing that struck to me the most was the ability of the scholars to pen down the most basic of thoughts in such a profound and exquisite manner that it spoke to the reader. I cannot even being to comprehend the impact these beautiful pieces of writings would have had on those who read these when they were first released. The essence of the black radical tradition lies in the ability of people to raise their voices and break free from the shambles of Orientalism, Colonialism and Racism. I perceived it in terms of negating false consciousness and thereby regaining class consciousness. For me, reading Fanon, listening to Bob Marley, watching the documentary on Muhammad Ali was not only a source of pleasure but also an intellectual awakening.
Black Tradition, in my opinion is not all about redemption in terms of violence but in fact it is redemption in terms of mindset. The Black men and women who pressed for their rights, wanted to be seen, be heard, be accepted, be tolerated and simply, be allowed to exist as equals, worthy of being treated as humans. For me, that is the beauty of the Black Radical Tradition because it encompassed the idea of being accepted just as mere human beings. As simple as that.
It gave people a platform to raise their voice, convey their grievances and openly call out the oppressors. It was all about utilizing your life as a human and making a difference in the world, not only for yourself but for those who are forgotten, for those who are still subject to slavery and for those to come.
The value of negritude was a value of dignity, idea of being
somebody and not nobody. There are many ways to
inhabit the world. All these ways of living in this
world should be equally valuable. Once you accord to one way of inhabiting the world i.e
European and you privilege that over every other way of being, that is when I believe the true essence of black radical tradition could be understood because this very instance is one of the root causes of discriminatory attitude especially towards the Black.. The Black Radical Tradition therefore allows us to think
of other possibilities as co existent with each other. One way of organizing
society or orienting your own self in the world need not be privileged over the other. Europe created the negro but it’s the negro that created the
negritude. Its made to be a vehicle of progress for not only the black people but
for the entire humankind.
In conclusion, I would just like to say that people who formed the Black Radical Tradition, were nothing short of selfless, determined, loyal and motivated human beings. They formed the true picture of leading by example and they lived a life worth living because not only did they speak out but in them, we found role models.